Conditions of Membership

We welcome new members and cater for:
- Competitive club programme (intermediate, club, senior and premier grades)
- Novice (beginners)
- Masters over 27 years old  (Novice and experienced, including return-to-rowing)

PLEASE NOTE: NSRC does not recruit rowers 16 years old or younger.
We support school based programmes, however, the overall organisation of a school programme is down to the individual school.
If you are 16 or under, please contact someone in your school.

By completing the membership application form you are agreeing to abide by the Club’s Constitution, Fees Policy and Rules and accept the terms and conditions of membership outlined here.

1. NSRC charges an Annual Membership Fee. This is payable in a lump sum or by instalments as per the Fees Policy. This is to cover:
- Rowing NZ Competitors license
- Auckland Rowing Association levy
- Coaching
- Equipment maintenance and purchases
- A contribution to Club operating expenditure

2. Regatta and Camp costs: Members also pay a separate additional charge to attend each regatta or camp..

3. For information on Masters fees and costs please visit


  • Respect coaches, coxswains and crew, including keeping to training programmes and times. Show good manners and respect to others, particularly to fellow Club members and helpers.

  • Make yourself available to participate in work required around attendance to regattas such as loading trailers and cleaning up tent sites.

  • Follow the directions of coaches and management.

  • Take good care of the club’s equipment and assets. All damage must be reported immediately to the Club Captain. Facilities need to be kept clean and tidy.

  • Wear the Club uniform appropriately.

  • Use appropriate and respectful language always, especially when representing the club at regattas.

  • You agree to compete in accordance with the applicable rules of rowing (including any rules imposed by the Auckland Rowing Association (ARA), New Zealand Rowing Association (NZRA) or New Zealand Secondary Schools Rowing Association (NZSSRA) and the directions of race officials. You agree to be bound by any rules of the ARA, NZRA/Rowing New Zealand or NZSSRA. Do not argue with officials and follow the proper process in making a complaint (inform your coaches). Always demonstrate good conduct on and off the water.

  • Do not use or possess illegal drugs or banned performance enhancing substances. Do not use or bring alcohol or tobacco to training, regattas or camps. Do not arrive at training under the influence of alcohol

  • Do not engage in contact of a sexual nature, whether welcome or unwelcome, while on regattas or at camp.

  • Do not send electronic or other messages or post on social media, inappropriate or offensive material in any way related to the Club or its members.


  • Members must listen to coach briefings and instructions and follow coach instructions at all times during training and competition at NSRC. The Club Captain and Coaches have the right to restrict or cancel rowing if water conditions are unsuitable for rowing. Rowers and Coaches should check the weather and tides before rowing.

  • Rowers must always comply with the Rowing New Zealand Water Safety Code. This Code is also displayed in both NSRC sheds and is available for download on the NSRC and the Rowing New Zealand Website. Rowers must also comply with NSRC’s Health and Safety Policy and Safety Rules (displayed in both NSRC sheds) and take note of hazards that have been identified as well as report any new hazards.

  • Coxswains and non-training members in coaching craft must wear a suitable lifejacket at all times when participating in training and competition at NSRC

  • No unaccompanied rowing is to take place without the consent of the Club Captain. If any unaccompanied rowing is approved, rowers must comply with Rowing New Zealand Water Safety Code's provisions on unaccompanied rowing, including carrying a personal floatation device and light.

  • Only rowers approved by NSRC for Upper Harbour training may use Rame Road - this is NSRC Senior training facility

  • Participants must be aware of other people, boats and objects in the water, and take care to avoid collisions during training and competition.

  • Rowers must use all equipment as instructed by coaches. If a rower is concerned about their equipment or safety on the water, the rower must inform their coach immediately and report any issues on the safety white board.

  • It is a member’s responsibility to provide their own care and first aid to common elements within the sport. Such things include the care of blisters on hands and protection from the Sun.

All rowers participating training and competition at North Shore Rowing Club (NSRC) (and their legal guardians) acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions and release from liability.  If you do not accept the terms and release from liability below, you must not take part in training and competition at NSRC.

  • I understand that participation in the sport of rowing carries an inherent risk of injury or death as a result of various causes including accident, injury, exposure or overexertion, which can be minimised by NSRC but not eliminated.

  • The safety precautions taken by the coaches and NSRC are not a guarantee of participant safety.  I understand that as a participant I have an important responsibility to be aware of and comply with the NSRC's Safety Rules at all times.

  • I understand that training and competition is undertaken in a public space, which is used by other boats, watercraft and swimmers. I am aware of the hazards involved.

  • I confirm that I am sufficiently fit and healthy to participate in training and competition at NSRC, and to the best of my knowledge do not have any medical condition or injury that would prevent me from participating safely.

  • By participating, I accept the risks arising from my participation.  Accordingly, I agree that to the maximum extent permitted by law, NSRC and its officers are not liable for any physical or financial injury, loss or damage, personal injury or death, or consequential loss or damage, of any kind arising in conjunction with, or prior to, during, or after training or competition at NSRC or events held by NSRC.

  • In the event I am injured during training and competition at NSRC, I consent to receiving any emergency medical treatment the coaches and/or NSRC deem necessary.


  • Photos and videos featuring rowers may be taken during training and competition at NSRC and other events associated with NSRC. Rowers and their legal guardians consent to the use of such photos and videos by NSRC for any commercial or non-commercial purpose in all and any media including printed publications, promotional materials, digital media, and for training purposes.


  • Personal Information collected from members, such as contact details, will be used by the Club for the purpose of administering the Club and facilitating training and competition. By applying to become a member, you consent to your Personal Information (as that term is defined in the Privacy Act 2020) being disclosed to Rowing New Zealand, Auckland Rowing Association and Regatta Organisers for the above purposes. You also consent to your Personal Information being shared with:

  • Trusts and funding organisations for the purposes of raising funds for the Club;

  • Debt collection agencies for the purposes of recovering any amounts owed to the North Shore Rowing Club.

If there is a breach of any of the above or a member otherwise conducts themselves in a way that could potentially bring the Club into disrepute, the coaches or the Management Committee may impose sanctions including;

  • Removing a member from training/racing crews for a fixed term or indefinitely;

  • Expelling a member from the Club’s accommodation/ regattas (with the member obliged to fund their own return);

  • Cancelling membership and forfeiting fees already paid to the Club to cover expenses associated with the member;

Enforcing payment of unpaid fees.


On the acceptance of a membership application and the payment of a membership fee, members have access to allocated rowing equipment and coaching during supervised training sessions. Training at other times may only be undertaken with the permission of the Senior Coach or Club Captain.

It is the expectation that members:

  • Contribute willingly and positively to their crew, the club and it’s stakeholder schools

  • Follow the directions of coaches and Management Committee

  • Take good and responsible care of the club’s equipment and other assets

  • Do nothing to knowingly damage the reputation of the club

Disciplinary measures may be taken by the club on any member that breaks it rules and requirements and/or those of the ARA, NZRA or NZSSRA.